Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Lunch with Santa

We along with the Mitchell's went to eat lunch with Santa Sunday at the club. All the boys told santa what they wanted. Patrick didn't know what to think of him. He was just ready for his nap. Andrea didn't stick around for this. She went back to college. When we got home I tried to take a few pictures of the boys. Patrick wanted nothing to do with it. The group photo anyway. Look at all those stockings! Never thought 10 years ago we'd have this many. he he! The red one is the dogs. Our yellow lab named Max. Of course Chris said if we have another boy we could name him Max. I haven't figured out what he's talking about yet. This nuckcracker sits in the entry way of the club. The chef makes something every year. It's totally made out of sweets. The Cromer family before lunch.