Saturday, July 12, 2008

Summer time construction

Just thought I'd update you on our summer time construction job. And its been a job. But come mid August we'll get to enjoy it a lot. I'll really enjoy it next summer when I can put two napping babies to rest and still let the other two swim. And myself too. It will be easier on me. The boys are excited and can't wait to jump in. We want pour concrete until August so the ground can settle around the pool but they will probably be able to take a dip in it later this week. We'll just have to put a board or something to the steps. The thing covered with wood is a buddy seat in the deep end where us big folks can sit in the deep in and watch the kids jump off the diving board. We saw it in another pool here and thought it was neat so we added it to ours. Digging it out. Wow! Its been neat to watch and entertaining for the boys with BIG tractors in our yard.
We decided to screen in our downstairs and that meant putting a roof up so water wouldn't pour in from the top deck. It turned out good. We used a company out of Atlanta. We had to move our steps to the side and we're happy with that. It looks better.
Putting in the bottom of the pool.
We had to drop the back 2ft. and were still waiting of them to finish the wall.
Lots of WATER! I hate to see our water bill next month. ha ha.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

good grief that pool looks huge in the pictures! if you tell the water department you are filling up a pool they will sometimes give you a break on your bill...