Saturday, August 23, 2008

Football Jamboree

I tried my best to talk John out of playing football this year. But all summer he said he wanted to play. We said we would let the boys play when they asked. I didn't think it was a good idea with a new baby coming in September. I said John mommy might not get to come to every game. He said that's okay mom, Nana can take me. NOT! Nana works. Chris and I said we'd work it out and we have. Several of his friends played last year and so he wanted to give it a try. Today was the jamboree that kicked off the season. He has had a blast and has not complained at all. We'll get the schedule next week of the games they will play. We're told they play 10 regular season games. They played two 1/2 games today. They lost the first game and won the second game. John ran the extra point in for two to win the second game. He was so excited! We had to be at the field at 8:30 for a 9:00 and 9:45 game. Then we were off for a birthday party at 11:30 that Drew was invited to til 1:45. It was a full day.
Believe it or not John is one of the tallest on the team. They are 7 & 8 year olds. John really grew this summer.
John is in the back of this picture and all you can see is his jersery #47

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