Thursday, July 30, 2009

Beach Time

Caroline enjoyed the beach and the ocean.
John and Patrick dug a hole in the sand until they reached water. Everyone thought it was cool.
Caroline plays or eats rubber duckie while sitting in her little pool.
The stud as he thinks in our family.
The beach beauty poses in her sunglasses.
The boys loved playing in the ocean together. It really was nice weather the entire week. It felt like it was October. NICE!
This pool was used for many things while on the beach. Something to swim in, nap in, change clothes in, alittle bit of everything.
Every evening was full of fun with a new place to eat out and activities afterwards. Putt Putt is always a good one along with shopping and riding go carts. Something the kids look forward to every year.
Mommy and Me. I love it!
John loves to bury himself in the sand and I had to finish him up.
Sweet... John helps take care of his baby sister.

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