Sunday, February 19, 2006

Cotillion... A Night in Vegas

Another night out for mom & dad. It was a cold night. Most of the night was in doors at Magretta Hall. There was a band in a tent outside. For the most part we stayed inside and warm. Before we left I got Chris to go outside to the tent to check it out. A lot of folks we knew were out dancing. Believe it or not for the first time, I got Chris out on the dance floor. Okay for a total of 10 minutes. It was cold. Some really good friends of ours were in town from Tennessee so we stayed longer than we ever had. We had a good time. I stayed pretty toasty, even outside. My feet and toes about froze off but other than that I was warm. Of course I was smart and put on longjohns under my dress which was toasty to begin with. Elvis and the pink flamingo's Chris and I on the dance floor before we went home. Chris trying to get heat from a table centerpiece, which was a candle.

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