Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Johns Kindergarten End of the Year Program

Johns kindergarten program was last night. "Everything From A to Z" It was so cute! He had to stand up alone and say a few words before the Pledge and then he started the Pledge of Allegiance and told everyone to be seated afterwards. Almost everyone had a part. He did a good job! Chris' parents came and I was so glad to have them there. Of course John wants everyone to come. But they were a lot of help with Patrick. He is so loud. Patrick was louder then the set of quads that are 20 mos. old. Drew helped Chris video and talked the whole time Chris said. I told him its like that all day. Afterwards we we to eat at Outback. John "Pledge of Allegiance" Presentation of Certificates Graduation from Kindergarten. The next 12 years will be gone before we know it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a nice ceremony you had John. We are proud of you, way to go!! Love, The Mitchell's