Thursday, December 04, 2008

Already "3" months Wow.

Wow! It's hard believe that Caroline is already three months. She had to visit the doctor this morning. She hasn't felt well since Sunday. Clear runny noise and all that junk. I called Monday with concerns but there really wasn't nothing we can give here because of her age. I told them I'd bring her in before the weekend if she didn't get any better. So I took her this morning. She weighed 11lbs. 9ozs. She's getting to be a big girl. She did test positive for RSV and had the beginning stage of an ear infection in her left ear. I had to get a nebulizer and give her breathing treatments every 4 to 6 for her wheezing. I'll have to say that she is a trooper.

1 comment:

lucinda said...

She's also adorable!! Hope she feels better soon!