Friday, December 19, 2008

Preschool Christmas Program

Monday was Patrick preschool program. Sunday night Chris and I decided we would not video this program. Well, when it's your 7th program in a row and there all alike in some way. And all in tow thought it would be too much. That all changed when I picked Patrick up from school Monday and was told he needed to be there early so he could get into his costume. He was going to be a wise men. I called Chris and said we have to video. "What"? Yes, Patrick is going to be a wise men in the program and we've never had a special part. I hope he participates and does his part. Not only did he do his part but he was GREAT! He sang all the songs and new all the words. He had a good time and so did we.
All 200 children
Look at him sing. Of course it didn't surprise me that
he couldn't keep his hands off baby Jesus b/c he's that way with his sister.
A photo after the program with his siblings

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